• 台北市南區獅子會
  • Taipei Downtown Lions Club
  • 台北市南區獅子會
  • 光復北路68號10F
  • 電話:02-2391-0011
  • 傳真:03-3839322
  • 電郵:a23236362@hotmail.com

Taipei Downtown Lions Club was chartered on March 1, 1958, under the sponsorship of the Taipei Host Lions Club, to become the second oldest Lions Club in Taiwan.  It is also the first English-speaking Lions Club in District 300. 
This very special feature has enabled the Club to have the privilege of accommodating members of different nationalities who speak the language of English in addition to or as their mother tongues. 
The Taipei Downtown Lions Club has three sister clubs overseas.  They are the Lions Club of Kowloon in Hongkong, the Quezon City Bayanihan Lions Club in the Philippines, and the Inchn Lions Club in the Republic of Korea.  They maintain close cooperation and carry out joint projects to serve their communities. 
Members of the Taipei Downtown Lions Club are people truly dedicated to Lionism.  They may come from different parts of the world, but they are intimately welded under one roof for one purpose— “To Serve.”  Activity Committees of the Club work out their projects carefully.  Members discuss them seriously at board meetings and regular meetings.  All these meetings are held regularly and conducted strictly in accordance with Lions constitution and bylaws.  Minutes of both the board meetings and the regular meetings are prepared in written form for approval at the following meetings. 
The past fifty five years of the Club has proved to be quite a success, of which all of its members are proud.  Today, they are determined to put in even more efforts in the years to come and look forward to a even more brilliant future. 
台北市南區國際獅子會 ( 以下簡稱本會 ) 係經台北市中央國際獅子會輔導,於民國四十七年三月一日授證,為我國在台灣地區 成立最早的第二個獅子會本會也是第一個以英語為正式語言的獅子會本會奉准使用英語之緣起,係有鑒於獅子會發源於美國,為國際性之社會服務團體 ( 根據 2010 / 11 資料,國際獅子會已有 一百三十五餘萬名會員,遍及世界二百零六個國家 )為便於在台外籍獅友與會及接待訪華之外籍獅友,藉以加強國民外交,促進國際間之了解,乃參照各國通例,成立一英語獅子會
本會在海外擁有三個姊妹會: 香港九龍獅子會,菲律賓巴亞尼漢獅子會,及韓國仁川獅子會本會與各姊妹會歷年來合作密切
本會會員雖來自不同國家,但均以「服務社會,造福人群」 為宗旨,獅誼甚篤,感情至為融洽,惟治事亦極為嚴謹本會之服務計畫由各委員會提出後,均經理事會及例會認真討論通過後,方能據以實施各項會議均按會章規定進行,絲毫不茍,並有詳實之英文會議記錄,供隨時查考
  • A2區官網 | 管理者登入 | 參訪人數00030652
  • 國際獅子會300-A2區 光復北路68號10F
  • TEL:02-2391-0011 FAX:03-3839322